Communication is key

This is one of the most common problems between teams, so here are a couple of very important pieces of advice.

Daily meeting

Every “working” day (days that you work on the game), you should strive to have a vocal or physical meeting with your team, discussing what you are doing, if anything changed, ask questions on stuff you don’t understand or want to change, or if you just need help on something.

Everyone has a voice, and should be able to share their thoughts on design, art, etc.


Since creating your game will be a team effort, divide the work and assign it to specific people on your team. This will make sure there’s no oversight in your workload and will prevent you from asking “who took care of this” and everybody to answer “we don’t know”.

Everyone has to know

If you decide to change something, as a result of a conversation, a reflection or a time constraint etc., document and broadcast that change to everyone on the team and explain your thought process.

That way everyone is on the same page, understand why you made that change and there’s no bad surprises.


Plan for success


Play together