Give yourselves time to polish!

On your roadmap make sure you dedicate at least 20% to 30% of your time to polish your prototype.Just like in a game jam, the more time you spend polishing your game, the more fun it will be.

Look at simple games like Candy Crush, most of the fun of playing those games is the extreme levels of polish they have. Every action in that game has a real “juiciness” to it.

Of course there’s no use in polishing something that doesn’t work, so adapt your polish plans with your prototype advancement, but strive to polish as much as possible once you are satisfied with your game!


  • Juicy: a useful game design term [Link]

  • Juicy Game Design: Understanding the impact of visual embellishments on player experience [Link]

  • Game Feel: Why your death animation sucks [Link]

  • Juice it or lose it - a talk by Martin Jonasson & Petri Purho [Link]


Plan, Adapt, Overcome


Retroaction & what to communicate to the player(s)